Nostalgic Dreams is a 2D narrative action-roguelike where you fight the 80s-themed remnants of your memories to try and wake yourself up from a coma.
Battle through dreamscapes across different regions of your brain and literally confront your past in an attempt to uncover the truth.
What happened to you and why is your mind fighting back?
Use your skill, items, and a bit of luck to battle through a plethora of enemies and bosses.
Carefully navigate conversations - dialogue options can alter your next run.
Test your might/mind and wager coins or items in challenge rooms.
Fight toys, punk rock paraphernalia, surgical drills, and more as you're forced to confront your past.
Choose how to tackle your fight for consciousness. After you've defeated a boss, you'll unlock a new region of the brain. Every run, you decide what order to take on those regions.
As you progress and battle deeper into your mind, you'll discover why your mind is fighting so hard to stop you from waking up. When you find out, what choices will you make and how will you deal with the consequences?
Key art by Jake Lawrence
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